Saturday, April 14, 2012


Just finished a delightful steak at the Ruinas Resort and am now laying in bed contemplating the past 24 hours of travel - literally - that it took to get to this city, which is roughly the half way point to our village. The road here from Guatemala City was much better than I had expected despite crossing a 10,000 foot pass and many more in a jumbo sized Landcruiser driven by Marco with Hands for PeaceMaking. We had heavy rain through much of the second half of our trip and had to navigate around landslides, slow trucks and the funky old school bus 'chicken trucks' which are in nothing but a hurry. We also had to fight our way through a very busy intersection that was totally out of control.

The roads are supposed to get worse tomorrow as we head forward Barillas. We should arrive early afternoon for our training at the mission house then on to Xoclac. Oops fell asleep while writing this so published Saturday a.m.

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