Thursday, May 3, 2012

Play Day

Scene from mountainous road above Barillas
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there were eight men on a 10-day mission trip. They flew and drove a long way to get to a little village, where they installed stoves for the villagers and made new friends.  On the eighth day they drove some more. On the ninth day they FISHED. RODE A ZIP LINE. TOOK A BOAT RIDE. AND EVEN WENT SHOPPING!!!

Enough from me, other than to say the non-lodging expenses from this day of frivolity were borne by each individual and not the mission fund. I'll let our photos and videos tell the rest of the story..

We ate at Guatemala's favorite chicken chain, the Pollo Campero

John Kirk, Steve Drury and Marco went fishing for crappie and bass
Preparing to Zip
Marco gives a demonstration
Jon, Brian, Doug, Dahgo, Maxx, Larry and Marco prepare for Zip Line
Jon on suspension bridge
Waterfall on hill
Steve on boat ride
Maxx zips across
Brian on dock at Santiago
Pastor Jon comes in for a landing
Larry and I shopping
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Yes, that's a shot gun he's cradling on a construction site.
Our room with a view

Sunset over Lake Atitlin as seen from our room


  1. These are marvelous, story-telling, worth a thousand words kind of pictures. Thank You for posting. Thank You for keeping us informed. Thank You for letting us pray for you. Thank You for your courage and dedication to prepare for, pray up and travel to this place, away from the comforts and luxuries at home, that the beautiful people of this region would be able to have some of the basics of life. This is what they call being the hands and feet of Jesus, in ministering to others. God is glorified when we show love and care for one another. Thank You Brian and Team Guat 2012! Welcome Home All ! Well Done.

  2. Very grateful for your efforts on behalf of the needy Guatemalans you touched with your work, care, and love. God bless your Mission.
    Hon. Vice Consul of Guatemla
