Sunday, April 1, 2012

It's Tool Time - and Tooth Time too

Team member Rueben Weeks, who with Larry Schmick is tasked with rounding up the necessary tools for our mission, reported today that his scrounging has paid off!

Rueben has been visiting tool shops far and wide in hopes of getting a good deal on some quality tools that we can take with us for stove assembly. He scored with Tacoma Screw, which gave him a substantial discount.

Reuben is also helping assemble the kid packs, which include Bibles, some trinkets and personal items. He told us today that he was short 30 tubes of toothpaste for the mission. Thankfully, we have a member at Marine View, Joe Martin, who sells dental supplies for a living.  Coincidently Joe had just asked last week if he could be of service and we told him we thought we had these supplies covered.

On hearing Rueben's need today though, I intercepted Joe as he was rushing out to take his son to football practice. He and Rueben quickly exchanged numbers and, whola, Joe said he can deliver by the Tuesday deadline. Nice job Rueben, thank you Joe and praise God!

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